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Let E be a UML 2.5 NamedElement with a name property of '_name" and with a nameExpression property of "_expresslon".
Which one presentation or set of presentations of the name of E in a tool conforms to the OMG specification?
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Which statement is correct about the compiled model resulting from Alt text?
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Which capability Is provided by the Profile mechanism?
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Which interpretation is valid when NamedElement A is the Supplier in a specialized Dependency having NamedElement B as the Client, and a Comment indicates that A and B participate in a transformation?
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How is the semantics (or the MOF elements represented?
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Which feature of a UML model element could NOT be adapted by a Stereotype?
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What two protocol state machine interpretations can be defined?
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Which UML element specifies a set of formal parameters that will be substituted by actual parameters?
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In addition to stereotypes, which UML elements can a profile define?
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What does the UML specification say about choosing between a MOF-based metamodel and a UML profile?
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Consider the following diagram fragment:
Which statement is correct?
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A framework developer has been given a requirement to create an extensible utility for solution developers to use to create collections. The framework developer has submitted the following diagram fragment for review:
Which review comment is valid and applicable?
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Which concept is used in AN to represent a model element such as a class or an activity?
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What happens when an Exception Handler completes execution?
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What must a modeler do to use an Action that coordinates other Actions?
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What does a lower multiplicity of one for an end of an n-ary Association imply?
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A developer wants to make sure that each specialization of Class Bicycle has its own unique set of values for the suitable road surface and average speed
Which diagram imposes these requirements?
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Which statement is correct about working with multiple profiles?
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Which statement should be taken into consideration when extending a UML metaclass with a stereotype?
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What should a modeler do lo represent specific hardware environments In a deployment model?