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F3 Financial Strategy Questions and Answers

Questions 4

Listed Company A has prepared a valuation of an unlisted company. Company B. to achieve vertical integration Company A is intending to acquire a controlling interest in the equity of Company B and therefore wants to value only the equity of Company B.

The assistant accountant of Company A has prepared the following valuation of Company B's equity using the dividend valuation model (DVM):


• S2 million is Company B's most recent dividend

• 5% is Company B's average dividend growth rate over the last 5 years

• 10% is a cost of equity calculated using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), based on the industry average beta factor

Which THREE of the following are valid criticisms of the valuation of Company B's equity prepared by the assistant accountant?



The DVM calculation should use Company A's cost of equity rather than Company B's cost of equity


It is better to use the present value of earnings rather than present value of dividends to value a controlling interest


The 5% growth rate may not reflect the future growth of Company B.


The beta factor used may not reflect Company B's financial risk.


An unlisted company cannot use the capital asset pricing model to calculate its cost of equity

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Questions 5

Under traditional theory, an increase in a company's WACC would cause the value of the company to:







Stay the same


Either increase or decrease 

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Questions 6

A large, quoted company that is all-equity financed is planning to acquire a smaller unquoted company that is also all-equity financed.

The acquiring company's directors are using the dividend valuation model to value the target company before making an offer.


Relevant data for the target company:

   • Dividends paid in the last financial year           $2 million

   • Book value of net assets                                     $15 million

   • Shares in issue                                                     1 million

The acquiring company's cost of capital is 10%.

Its directors believe they can improve the target company's performance in the long term.

They estimate there will be no growth in the first year of the acquisition but from year 2 onwards there will be a 4% growth each year in perpetuity.


What is the maximum price the acquiring company should offer for each of the shares in the target company? 










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Questions 7

M is an accountant who wishes to take out a forward rate agreement as a hedging instrument but the company treasurer has advised that a short-term interest rate future would be a better option.

Which of the following is true of a short-term interest ratefuture?



It can be tailoredtothe exact reeds of the company.


It interest rates have gone down the price of the future will have fallen.


It must be kept for ne whole duration of the contract


The date is flexible and the position can be closed quickly and easily.

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Questions 8

A company's Board of Directors is assessing the likely impact of financing future new projects using either equity or debt.

The directors are uncertain of the effects on key variables.


Which THREE of the following statements are true?



The choice between using either equity or debt will have no impact on the amount of corporate income tax payable.


Retained earnings has no cost, and is therefore the cheapest form of equity finance.


Debt finance is always preferable to equity finance.


Debt finance will increase the cost of equity.


Equity finance will reduce the overall financial risk.


Equity finance will increase pressure to pay a higher total future dividend.

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Questions 9

Which of the following statements about IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures is true?



IFRS 7 only applies to entities that are designated as financial institutions by a regulatory authority.


IFRS 7 requires disclosures to be given for each separate class of financial instruments.


The main requirement of IFRS 7 is for qualitative disclosures relating to financial instruments and market risks.


IFRS 7 requires sensitivity analysis in relation to credit risk.

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Questions 10

B has a S3 million loan outstanding on which the interested rate is reset every 6 months for the following 6 month and the interested is payable at the end of that 6 month period. The next 6 monthly reset period starts in 3 months and the treasurer of B thinks interested rates are likely to raise between and then.

Current 6-month rates are 6.4% and the treasurer can get a rate of 6.9% for a 6-month forward rate agreement (FRA) starting in 3 months time. By transacting an TRA the treasurer can lock in a rate today of 6.9%.

If interested rates are 7.5% in 3 months’ time, what will the net amount payable be?

Give your answer to the nearest thousand dollars.


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Questions 11

KKL is a listed sports clothing company with three separate business units. KKL is seeking to sell TT’, one of these business units

TTP cwns a new. brand of trail running shoes that have Droved hugely popular with lone distance runners. The management team of TTP are frustrated by the constraints imposes b/ KKL in managing tie brand and developing. the bus ness and they believe that TTF has huge growth potential.

The management team of TTP have approached KKL with a proposal to purchase 1~P through a management layout (MDO). KKL has accepted this proposal as TTP has not proved to be a good fit' with the rest of the business and has agreed on the selling price.

Which THREE of the following factors a-e mast Likely to affect the success of the MBO?



The motivation of the TTP management team to invest in future growth.


Searing sufficient. funding for the MBO.


The constraints imposed by KKL managing TTF's brand.


The ability of the TTF management team to take over the head office functions successfully.


The ability the TTP management team to develop the brand and achieve the expected growth.

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Questions 12

B, a European based modern art dealer, frequently imports and sells single high value items created in the United States. The price is fixed at the date of sale but the items are commissioned and made to order with a lead time of three to nine months depending on the individual specification

B holds payment for his customers from the point of purchase and passes funds when the items are shipped However, despite putting the money on short term deposit, there have been times when B's profits have been almost entirely eroded by adverse movements m interest rates Advise B by matching the appropriate instrument to B's requirements.


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Questions 13

Which THREE of the following are benefits of integrated reporting?



Improve the quality of information available to the providers of financial capital.


Promote an understanding of the interdependencies of capitals. 


Reduce the amount of work that is required to produce the report and accounts.


Improve short term decision making.


Support integrated decision-making. 

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Questions 14

The competition authorities are investigating the takeover of Company Z by a larger company, Company Y.

Both companies are food retailers. 

The takeover terms involve using a part cash, part share exchange means of payment.

Company Z is resisting the bid, arguing that it undervalues its business, while lobbying extensively among politicians to sway public opinion against the bidder.


Which of the following actions by Company Y is most likely to persuade the competition authorities to approve the acquisition?



Company Y increases the cash element of its bid offer.


Company Y agrees to dispose of specified outlets which geographically overlap those of Company Z.


Company Y guarantees to preserve employment at its cental distribution depot.


Company Y undertakes to pass on any cost savings to customers.

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Questions 15

Company A is planning to acquire Company B.


Company A's managers think they can improve the performance of Company B to the extent that its own P/E ratio should be applied to Company B's earnings.


Relevant Data:



What is the expected synergy if the acquisition goes ahead? 


Give your answer to the nearest $ million.


$ ?  million


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Questions 16

A company is preparing an integrated report according to the International Framework as issued by the International Integrated Reporting Council.


Which THREE of the following should be included in the report?



An explanation of how the organisation's governance structure supports its ability to create value in the short, medium and long term.


A detailed analysis of the organisation's business model.


The challenges and uncertainties that the organisation is likely to encounter in pursuing its strategy. 


A comparison of the key elements of its financial statements with those of its main competitor. 


A summary of the key issues discussed by directors in main board meetings. 

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Questions 17

A new company was set up two years ago using the personal financial resources of the founders.

These funds were used to acquire suitable premises.

The company has entered into a long-term lease on the premises which are not yet fully fitted out.

The founders are considering requesting loan finance from the company's bank to fund the purchase of custom-made advanced technology equipment.

No other companies are using this type of equipment.

The company expects to continue to be profitable for the forseeable future.

It re-invests some of its surplus cash in on-going essential research and development.


Which THREE of the following features are likely to be considered negatives by the bank when assessing the company's credit-worthiness?



The equipment is advanced technology custom-made equipment. 


The company will continue to remain profitable and to generate net cash.


The company premises are on a long-term lease but are not yet fully fitted out.


The founders invested their personal financial resources in the company.


Essential on-going research and development expenditure is required.

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Questions 18

RR has agreed to sell goods to XX for S20.000 XX will pay when the goods are delivered in 6 months time. RR's home currency is the £- The current exchange rate is 4.3 £/S. The projected inflation rate for the S is 2.8%, and for the E 4 6%.

When RR receives payment for its goods, what will the value be to the nearest pound?







£86 760



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Questions 19

An entity prepares financial statements to 30 June.

During the year ended 30 June 20X2 the following events occurred:


1 July 20X1

   • The entitiy borrowed $100 million at a variable rate of interest.

   • In order to protect itself against the variability of its interest cashflows, the entity entered into a pay-fixed-receive-variable interest swap with annual settlements.  The fair value of the swap on this date was zero.

30 June 20X2

   • The entity received a net settlement of $2 million under the swap. After this net settlement, the fair value of the swap was $5 million - a financial asset.

The entity decides to use hedge accounting for this arrangement and has designated it as a cash flow hedge.  The swap is a perfect hedge of the variability of the cash interest payments.


Which of the following describes the treatment of the settlement and the change in the fair value of the swap in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended 30 June 20X2?



$7 million is recognised in profit or loss.


$7 million is recognised in other comprehensive income.


$2 million is recognised in profit or loss and $5 million is recognised in other comprehensive income.


$5 million is recognised in profit or loss and $2 million is recognised in other comprehensive income.

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Questions 20

A listed company in a high growth industry, where innovation is a key driver of success has always operated a residual dividend policy, resulting in volatility in dividends due to periodic significant investments in research and development.


The company has recently come under pressure from some investors to change its dividend policy so that shareholders receive a consistent growing dividend. In addition, they suggested that the company should use more debt finance. 

 If the suggested change is made to the financial policies, which THREE of the following statements are true?



It may give a signal to the market that the company is entering a period of stable growth. 


There may be a change to the shareholder profile due to 'the clientele effect'. 


The directors will not have to take shareholder dividend preferences into consideration in future. 


Retained earnings have a lower cost than debt finance.


The company's financial risk will increase due to its increased use of debt finance.

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Questions 21

A company has some 7% coupon bonds in issue and wishes to change its interest rate profile.  

It has decided to do this by entering into a plain coupon interest rate swap with it's bank.


The bank has quoted a swap rate of:      6.0% - 6.5% fixed against LIBOR.


What will the company's new interest rate profile be?









FIXED at 6.5%

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Questions 22

If a company's bonds are currently yielding 8% in the marketplace, why would the entity's cost of debt be lower than this?



There should be no difference; the cost of debt is the same as the bond's market yield.


Interest is deductible for tax purposes.


The company's credit rating has changed.


Market interest rates have decreased.

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Questions 23

Company A is based in country A with the AS as its functional currency. It expects to receive BS20 million from Company B in settlement of an export invoice.

The current exchange rate is A$1 =B$2 and the daily standard deviation of this exchange rate = 0 5%

What is the one-day 95% VaR in AS?










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Questions 24

A national rail operating company has made an offer to acquire a smaller competitor.

Which of the following pieces of information would be of most concern to the competition authorities?



After the acquisition, the board proposes to increase prices on some routes not serviced by other rail operators.


After the acquisition, the board proposes to withdraw some of the less profitable services.


The board informed a major institutional shareholder about the proposed acquisition before informing other shareholders.


The acquisition is likely to result in significant redundancies of staff currently working for the smaller rail operator.

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Questions 25

An entity prepares financial statements to 31 December each year.  The following data applies:


1 December 20X0

   • The entity purchased some inventory for $400,000.

   • In order to protect the inventory against adverse changes in fair value the entity entered into a futures contract to sell the inventory for a fixed price on 31 January 20X1.

   • The entity designated this contract as a fair value hedge of the value of the inventory.

31 December 20X0

   • The inventory had a fair value of $480,000 and the futures contract had a fair value of $75,000 (a financial liability).

What will be the impact on the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended 31 December 20X0 in respect of the change in the value of the inventory and the futures contract?



A loss of $75,000 will be recognised in profit or loss.


A loss of $75,000 will be recognised in other comprehensive income.


A net gain of $5,000 will be recognised in profit or loss.


A net gain of $5,000 will be recognised in other comprehensive income.

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Questions 26

A Venture Capital Fund currently holds a significant  shareholding in a large private company as a result of funding a recent management buyout. It plans to exit this investment in 5 years time at a significant profit.


Which THREE of the following exit mechanisms are most likely to be preferred by the Venture Capital Fund?



The management team agrees to buy back the Venture Capital Funds shareholding in 5 years time at its original cost.


The private company obtains a stock market listing on a recognised exchange within the next 5 years.


The Venture Capital Fund has an option to sell its shareholding to the company at twice its original cost which can be exercised in 5 years time.


The Venture Capital Fund has a legal entitlement to sell its shareholding to any third party investor if the company has not obtained a stock market listing within 5 years.


The management team has an option to buy the Venture Capital Fund's shares for their nominal value which can be exercised in 5 years time. 

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Questions 27

XYZ has a variable rate loan of $200 million on which it is paying interest of Liber ‘3%.

XYZ entered into a swap with AG bank to convert this to a fixed rate 8% loan. AB bank charges an annual commission of 0.4% for making this arrangement

Calculate the net payment from KYZ to AB bank at the end of the first year if Libor was 2% throughout the year.

Give your answer in $ million, to one decimal place.


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Questions 28

VVV has a floating rate loan that it wishes to replace with a fixed rate. The cost of the existing loan is the risk-free rate + 3%. VW would have to pay a fixed rate of 7% on a fixed rate loan VVVs bank has found a potential counterparty for a swap arrangement.

The counterparty wishes to raise a variable rate loan It would pay the risk-free rate +1 % on a variable rate loan and 8% on a fixed rate.

The bank will require 10% of the savings from the swap and WV and the counterparty will share the remaining saving equally.

Calculate VWs effective rate of interest from this swap arrangement.



VVV would pay 5.2%


VVV would pay 5.65%


VVV would pay the risk-free rate + 1 %


VVV would pay 5.5%

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Questions 29

ZZZ wishes to borrow at a floating rate and has been told that it can use swaps to reduce the effective interest rate it pays. ZZZ can borrow floating at the risk-free rate + 1, and fixed at 10%.

Which of the following companies would be the most appropriate for ZZZ to enter into a swap with?



Company DDA - it can borrow at risk-free rate + 1 Vz and fixed at 10.5%


Company CCA - it can borrow at risk-free rate + Y% and fixed at 9%


Company BBA - it can borrow floating at risk-free rate +VA and fixed at 12%


Company AAB - it can borrow floating at risk-free rate + % and fixed at 9.5%

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Questions 30

Which of the following statements best describes a residual dividend policy?



Dividends are paid only after the on-going operational needs of the business have been met.


Dividends are paid only if no further positive NPV projects are available.


All surplus earnings are invested back into the business.


Dividends are paid at a constant rate.

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Questions 31

A company has forecast the following results for the next financial year:


The following is also relevant:

   • Profit after tax for the year can be assumed to be equivalent to free cash flow for the year.

   • Debt finance comprises a $10 million floating rate loan which currently carries an interest rate of 5%.

   • $400,000 investment in non-current assets is required to achieve required growth, all of which is to financed from next year's free cash flow.

   • The company plans to pay a dividend of $150,000 next year, financed from next year's free cash flow.

The company is concerned that interest rates could rise next year to 6% which could then affect their investment plans.


If interest rates were to rise to 6% and the company wishes to maintain its dividend amount, the planned investment expenditure will decrease by:










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Questions 32

X exports goods to customers in a number of small countries Asia. At present, X invoices customers in X's home currency.

The Sales Director has proposed that X should begin to invoice in the customers currency, and the Treasurers considering the implications of the proposal.

Which TWO of the following statement are correct?



X may be able to sell the receipts forward.


If the proposal is adopted, X will have a lower effective sales price per unit due to exchange rate fluctuations.


X will know advance the amount of home currency it will receive for the export sales.


The overseas customers may have difficulty obtaining X's name currency with which to make the purchases, so the Sales Director’s proposal may increase sales.


The customer will tear the foreign exchange risk and will only buy from X if they are prepared to accept this.

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Questions 33

Company E is a listed company. Its directors are valuing a smaller listed company, Company F, as a possible acquisition.

The two companies operate in the same markets and have the same business risk.

Relevant data on the two companies is as follows:


Both companies are wholly equity financed and both pay corporate tax at 30%.

The directors of Company E believe they can "bootstrap" Company F's earnings to improve performance.

Calculate the maximum price that Company E should offer to Company F's shareholders to acquire the company.


Give your answer to the nearest $million.











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Questions 34

A company is deciding whether to offer a scrip dividend or a cash dividend to its shareholders. 

Although the company has excellent long-term growth prospects, it is experiencing short-term profit and cash flow problems.


Which of the following statements is most likely to be a reason for choosing the scrip dividend?



It is a way of raising additional finance to promote future growth.


It is a way of increasing earnings per share.


It is a way of encouraging shareholders to allow cash to be retained in the business.


It is a way of increasing dividend per share.

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Questions 35

A company with a market capitalisation of S50million is considering raising $1 million debt to fund a new 10-year capital investment protect

The value of this issue is considered to be small in comparison to the company's market capitalisation

The company is considering whether to raise the debt finance by either a "bond private placing' or a 'public bond issue.

Which THREE of the following statements are correct?



An initial public bond issue will be administratively complex and relatively expensive for the relatively small amount of debt being raised whereas a bond private placing will be relatively less complex


An average investor is made aware of a potential initial public bond issue whereas the average investor is only made aware of a bond private placing after it has occurred.


The company's credit rating will be a key element in determining the interest rate payable and the potential success of either the public bond issue or the bond private placing


An initial public bond issue does not need to be underwritten whereas a bond private placing must be underwritten.


An initial public bond issue can be arranged relatively quickly whereas a bond private placing can take up to a year to arrange.

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Questions 36

Company M is a listed company in a highly technical service industry.

The directors are considering making a cash offer for the shares in Company Q, an unquoted company in the same industry.


Relevant data about Company Q:

   • The company has seen consistent growth in earnings each year since it was founded 10 years ago.

   • It has relatively few non-current assets.

   • Many of the employees are leading experts in their field. A recent exercise suggested that the value of the company's human capital exceeded the value of its tangible assets.

The directors and major shareholders of Company Q have indicated willingness to sell the company.

Before negotiations become too advanced, the directors of Company M are considering the benefits to their company that would follow the acquisition.


Which THREE of the following are the most likely benefits of the acquisition to Company M's shareholders?



Access to technical expertise.


Reduction of risk through diversification.


Improved asset backing for borrowing due to the acquisition of intangible assets.


Gain economies of scale.


Improve earnings per share (EPS).

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Questions 37

A company has a cash surplus which it wishes to distribute to shareholders by a share repurchase rather than paying a special dividend.


Which THREE of the following statements are correct?



The payment of a special dividend could raise shareholders' expectations of similar distributions in the future, unlike a share repurchase.


The share repurchase could send a negative signal to shareholders as it could be interpreted as a failure of management to find suitable investment opportunities.


Determination of the repurchase price will be easy as shareholders will insist on receiving the open market price.


Different tax regimes could result in shareholders having a preference for a share repurchase due to the often more preferential tax treatment of capital gains.


The share repurchase, if approved by the shareholders, will be binding on all of the company's shareholders.

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Questions 38

A company is currently all-equity financed with a cost of equity of 9%.

It plans to raise debt with a pre-tax cost of 3% in order to buy back equity shares.

After the buy-back, the debt-to-equity ratio at market values will be 1 to 2.

The corporate income tax rate is 25%.

Which of the following represents the company's cost of equity after the buy-back according to Modigliani and Miller's Theory of Capital Structure with taxes?










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Questions 39

A company needs to raise $20 million to finance a project.

It has decided on a rights issue at a discount of 20% to its current market share price.

There are currently 20 million shares in issue with a nominal value of $1 and a market price of $5 per share.


Calculate the terms of the rights issue.



1 new share for every 4 existing shares


1 new share for every 20 existing shares


1 new share for every 5 existing shares


1 new share for every 25 existing shares

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Questions 40

A company is deciding whether to offer a scrip dividend or a cash dividend to its shareholders. 

Although the company has excellent long-term growth prospects, it is experiencing short-term profit and cash flow problems.


Which of the following statements is most likely to be a reason for choosing the scrip dividend?



It is a way of raising additional finance to promote future growth.


It is a way of increasing earnings per share.


It is a way of encouraging shareholders to allow cash to be retained in the business.


It is a way of increasing dividend per share.

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Questions 41

Company F's current profit before interest and taxation is $5.0 million.

It has a 10% long-term corporate bond in issue with a nominal value of $10 million.

Corporate tax is paid at 25%.

The industry average P/E multiple is 10.

Company X has made an approach to acquire the entire share capital of Company F for $30 million.

Company X has announced that anticipated synergies (after interest and taxation) arising from its acquisition of Company F will be $1 million each year in perpetuity. 


Advise the Board of Directors of Company F if the bid should be accepted, based on the above information?



Accept the bid because Company F is potentially worth $30 million to Company X.


Reject the bid because Company F is potentially worth $40 million to Company X.


Reject the bid because Company F is potentially worth $50 million to Company X.


Reject the bid because Company F is potentially worth $60 million to Company X.

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Questions 42

A venture capitalist is considering investing in a management buy-out that would be financed as follows:

• Equity from managers

• Equity from a venture capitalist

• Mezzanine debt finance from a venture capitalist

• Senior debt from a bank

The venture capitalist is planning to work with the management to grow the business in anticipation of an initial public offering within five years.

However, the cash forecast shows a potential shortage of funds in the first year and the venture capitalist is evaluating the potential impact of cash being generated in the first year being significantly lower than forecast.

The most important risk that a shortage of cash would create for the management buyout is that the new company has insufficient funds to:



pay interest on bank debt finance.


pay contractual director bonuses.


pay dividends to venture capitalist.


invest in new capital projects required to generate growth.

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Questions 43

A company has in a 5% corporate bond in issue on which there are two loan covenants.

   • Interest cover must not fall below 3 times

   • Retained earnings for the year must not fall below $3.5 million

The Company has 200 million shares in issue.

The most recent dividend per share was $0.04.

The Company intends increasing dividends by 10% next year.


Financial projections for next year are as follows:


Advise the Board of Directors which of the following will be the status of compliance with the loan covenants next year?



The company will be in compliance with both covenants.


The company will be in breach of both covenants.


The company will breach the covenant in respect of retained earnings only.


The company will be in breach of the covenant in respect of interest cover only.

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Questions 44

A company wishes to raise new finance using a rights issue to invest in a new project offering an IRR of 10% 


The following data applies:

   • There are currently 1 million shares in issue at a current market value of $4 each.

   • The terms of the rights issue will be $3.50 for 1 new share for 5 existing shares.

   • The company's WACC is currently 8%.

 What is the yield-adjusted theoretical ex-rights price (TERP)?


Give your answer to 2 decimal places.


$  ?  


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Questions 45

H Company has a fixed rate load at 10.0%, but wishes to swap to variable. It can borrow at LIBOR 8%.

The bank is currently quoting swap rates of 3.1% (bid) and 3.5% (ask).

What net rate will HHH Company pay if it enters into the swap?



Risk-free rate +6.5%


Risk-free rate +8%


Risk-free rate +6.9%


Risk-free rate +3.1%

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Questions 46

Which THREE of the following remain unchanged over the life of a 10 year fixed rate bond?



The coupon rate


The yield


The market value


The nominal value


The amount payable on maturity

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Questions 47

Company M's current profit before interest and taxation is $5.0 million.

It has a long-term 10% corporate bond in issue with a nominal value of $10 million.

The rate of corporate tax is 25%.

It plans to continue to pay out 50% of its earnings in dividends and earnings are expected to grow by 3% each year in perpetuity.

Its cost of equity is 10%.


Using the dividend growth model, advise the Board of Directors of Company M which of the following provide a reasonable valuation of Company M's equity?



$73.6 million


$22.1 million


$44.1 million


$50.1 million

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Questions 48

A company is planning a new share issue.

The funds raised will be used to repay debt on which it is currently paying a high interest rate.

Operating profit and dividends are expected to remain unchanged in the near future.

If the share issue is implemented, which THREE of the following are most likely to increase?



The cost of equity


The number of shares in issue


Next year's payment of corporate income tax


The gearing (book value of debt as a percentage of the book value of equity + debt)


Interest cover

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Questions 49

Select whether the following statements are true or false with regard to Modigliani and Miller's dividend policy theory.


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Questions 50

A company needs to raise $20 million to finance a project.

It has decided on a rights issue at a discount of 20% to its current market share price.

There are currently 20 million shares in issue with a nominal value of $1 and a market price of $5 per share.


Calculate the terms of the rights issue.



1 new share for every 4 existing shares


1 new share for every 20 existing shares


1 new share for every 5 existing shares


1 new share for every 25 existing shares

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Questions 51

At the last financial year end, 31 December 20X1, a company reported:



The corporate income tax rate is 30% and the bank borrowings are subject to an interest cover covenant of 4 times. 

The results are presently comfortably within the interest cover covenant as they show interest cover of 8.3 times. The company plans to invest in a new product line which is not expected to affect profit in the first year but will require additional borrowings of $20 million at an annual interest rate of 10%.

What is the likely impact on the existing interest cover covenant?



Interest cover would reduce to 3 times and the covenant would be breached.


Interest cover would reduce to 3 times and the covenant would NOT be breached.


Interest cover would reduce to 5 times and the covenant would be breached.


Interest cover would reduce to 5 times and the covenant would NOT be breached.

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Questions 52

A financial services company reported the following results in its most recent accounting period:

The company has an objective to achieve 5% earnings growth each year. The directors are discussing how this objective might be achieved next year.

Revenues have been flat over the last couple of years as the company has faced difficult trading conditions. Revenue is expected to stay constant in the coming year and so the directors are focussing efforts on reducing costs in an attempt to achieve earnings growth next year.

Interest costs will not change because the company's borrowings are subject to a fixed rate of interest.

What operating profit margin will the company have to achieve next year in order to just achieve its 5% earnings growth objective'?










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Questions 53

A geared and profitable company is evaluating the best method of financing the purchase of new machinery. It is considering either buying the machinery outright, financed by a secured bank borrowingand selling the machinery at the end of a fixed period of time or obtain the machinery under a lease for the same period of time.

Which is the correct discount rate to use when discounting the incremental cash flows of the lease against those of the buy and borrow alternative?



The post-tax cost of the bank borrowing


The company's cost of equity


The company's WACC.


The pre-tax cost of the bank borrowing

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Questions 54

Company ADE is an unlisted company; it needs to raise a significant amount of finance to fund future expansion. The directors are considering listing the company on the local stock exchange The following discussions have taken place between some of the directors:

Director A - We consider a public issue of bonds in the capital markets, we don't need to list to issue the bonds which will save time and money.

Director B - We should list on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) and not the main market to avoid any regulatory requirements

Director C - We should remain unlisted; we can access an unlimited amount of equity finance through a rights issue

Director D - Listing will increase Company ADE's ability to raise new equity and debt finance in the future.

Director E - If we list, Company ADE will be a more likely target for a takeover than if we remain unlisted.

Which TWO of the directors' statements are correct?



Director A


Director B


Director C


Director D


Director E

Buy Now
Questions 55

When valuing an unlisted company, a P/E ratio for a similar listed company may be used but adjustments to the P/E ratio may be necessary.


Which THREE of the following factors would justify a reduction in the proxy p/e ratio before use? 



The relative lack of marketability of unlisted company shares.


A lower level of scrutiny and regulation for unlisted companies.


Unlisted companies being generally smaller and less established.


Control premium not being included within the proxy p/e ratio used.


The forecast earnings growth being relatively higher in the unlisted company.


A profit item within the unlisted company's latest earnings which will not reoccur.

Buy Now
Questions 56

Company A needs to raise AS500 mi lion to invest in a new project and is considering using a pub ic issue of bonds to finance the investment.

Which THREE of the following statements-relating to this bond issue are true?



A company must be listed before it can issue bones.


The largest issuer of bond i3 the government.


Purchasing bonds in the capital markets enables entities to borrow large amounts of finance.


The bond market is unregulated making it easier to raise finance


Bonds issues in the corporate debt market are underwritten.

Buy Now
Questions 57

A venture capitalist invests in a company by means of buying

* 6 million shares for $3 a share and

• 7% bonds with a nominal value of $2 million, repayable at par in 3 years' time

The venture capitalist expects a return on the equity portion of the investment of at least 20% a year on a compound basis over the first 3 years of the investment

The company has 8 million shares in issue

What is the minimum total equity value for the company in 3 years' time required to satisfy the venture capitalist's expected return?

Give your answer to the nearest $ million


Buy Now
Questions 58

Company AEE has a 10 year 6% corporate bond in issue which has a nominal value of $400 million, which is currently trading at 95%. The bond is secured on the company's property

The Board of Directors has calculated the equity value of Company AEE as follows;

Which THREE of the following are errors in the valuation?



Including retained earnings from the Statement of Financial Position.


Deducting $400 million for the value of the company's corporate bond.


Using the company's weighted average cost of capital to discount cash flows attributable to shareholders.


Using cash flows to equity rather than expected dividends as the initial cash flows.


Deducting replacement capital expenditure

Buy Now
Questions 59

Listed company R is in the process of making a cash offer for the equity of unlisted company S. 


Company R has a market capitalisation of $200 million and a price/earnings ratio of 10.


Company S has a market capitalisation of $50 million and earnings of $7 million.


Company R intends to offer $60 million and expects to be able to realise synergistic benefits of $20 million by combining the two businesses.  This estimate excludes the estimated $8 million cost of integrating the two businesses.


Which of the following figures need to be used when calculating the value of the combined entity in $ millions?



8, 20, 50, 60, 200 


8, 20, 50, 200


20, 50, 60, 200


7, 10, 20, 50, 200

Buy Now
Questions 60

Two companies that operate in the same industry have different Price/Earnings (P/E) ratios as follows:



Which of the following is the most likely explanation of the different P/E ratios?



Company B has a greater profit this year than Company A.


Company B has higher business risk than Company A.


Company B has higher expected future growth than Company A.


Company B has higher gearing than Company A.

Buy Now
Questions 61

Company B is an all equity financed company with a cost of equity of 10%.

It is considering issuing bonds in order to achieve a gearing level of 20% debt and 80% equity.

These bonds will pay a coupon rate of 5% and have an interest yield of 6%.

Company B pays corporate tax at the rate of 25%.


According to Modigliani and Miller's theory of capital structure with tax, what will be Company B's new cost of equity?







Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D

Buy Now
Questions 62

A company plans to acquire new machinery.

It has two financing options; buy outright using a bank loan, or a finance lease.


Which of the following is an advantage of a finance lease compared with a bank loan?



It is "off-balance sheet" and will not affect the company's gearing.


The interest rate offered might be more favourable because the lessor has the security of the asset.


Tax depreciation allowances may be passed on to the company by the lessor.


The lessor provides maintenance of the asset.

Buy Now
Questions 63

Company A, a listed company, plans to acquire Company T, which is also listed.

 Additional information is:

   • Company A has 150 million shares in issue, with market price currently at $7.00 per share.

   • Company T has 120 million shares in issue,. with market price currently at $6.00 each share.

   • Synergies valued at $50 million are expected to arise from the acquisition.

   • The terms of the offer will be 2 shares in A for 3 shares in T.

Assuming the offer is accepted and the synergies are realised, what should the post-acquisition price of each of Company A's shares be?

 Give your answer to two decimal places.


Buy Now
Questions 64

Company A has agreed to buy all the share capital of Company B.

The Board of Directors of Company A believes that the post-acquisition value of the expanded business can be computed using the "boot-strapping" concept.

Which of the following most accurately describes "boot-strapping" in this context?



Forecasting the future free cash flows of the combined entities and discounting these at the bidder's Weighted Average Cost of Capital


Adding together the current post tax earnings of each company and multiplying this by the price earnings ratio of the acquired entity


Adding together the current post-tax earnings of each company and multiplying this by the price/earnings ratio of the bidder


Combining the pre-acquisition market capitalisation of each company

Buy Now
Questions 65

Company M plans to bid for Company J. Company M has 20 million shares in issue and a current share price of $10.00 before publicly announcing the planned takeover. Company J has 10 million shares in issue and a current share price of $4.00.

The directors of Company M are considering an all-share bid of 1 Company M shares for 2 Company J shares.

Synergies worth $20m are expected from the acquisition.


What is the likely change in wealth for Company M's shareholders (in total) if the bid is accepted?


Give your answer to the nearest $ million.


$  ? million 


Buy Now
Questions 66

A company is financed by debt and equity and pays corporate income tax at 20%.  

Its main objective is the maximisation of shareholder wealth.

It needs to raise $200 million to undertake a project with a positive NPV of $10 million.


The company is considering three options:

   • A rights issue.

   • A bond issue.

   • A combination of both at the current debt to equity ratio.

Estimations of the market values of debt and equity both before and after the adoption of the project have been calculated, based upon Modigliani and Miller's capital theory with tax, and are shown below:




Under Modigliani and Miller's capital theory with tax, what is the increase in shareholder wealth?



$210 million if financed by equity


$50 million if financed by debt


$160 million if financed by a mixture of debt and equity


$10 million irrespective of finance

Buy Now
Questions 67

A company is undertaking a lease-or-buy evaluation, using the post-tax cost of bank borrowing as the discount rate.


Details of the two alternatives are as follows:


Buy option:

   • To be financed by a bank loan

   • Tax depreciation allowances are available on a reducing-balance basis

   • Assets depreciated on a straight-line basis

Lease option:

   • Finance lease

   • Maintenance to be paid by the lessee

   • Tax relief available on interest payments and book depreciation

Which THREE of the following are relevant cashflows in the lease-or-buy appraisal?



Tax relief on tax depreciation allowances


Bank loan payments


Maintenance payments


Lease payments


Tax relief on the book depreciation

Buy Now
Questions 68

A company generates and distributes electricity and gas to households and businesses.

Forecast results for the next financial year are as follows:

The Industry Regulator has announced a new price cap of $2.00 per Kilowatt.

The company expects this to cause consumption to rise by 15% but costs would remained unaltered.

The price cap is expected to cause the company's net profit to fall to:



$8.75 million profit


$164.00 million profit


$43.00 million profit


$126.50 million loss

Buy Now
Questions 69

Which THREE of the following statements are correct?



A portfolio can be diversified by increasing the number of securities in different industries held in the portfolio.


Systematic risk can be eliminated in a diversified portfolio.


The beta of a company's shares reflects systematic risk.


A beta of 1 indicates that the investment is risk free.


The security market line (SML) shows the relationship between systematic risk and return.

Buy Now
Questions 70

Company W has received an unwelcome takeover bid from Company B. The offer is a share exchange of 3 shares in Company B for 5 shares in Company Wora cash alternative of $5.70 for each Company W share.

Company B is approximately twice the size of Company W based on market capitalisation. Although the two companies have some common business interested the main aim of the bid is diversification for Company B.

Company W has substantial cash balances which the directors were planning to use to fund an acquisition. These plans have not been announced to the market.

The following share price information is relevant.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate action by Company W's directors following receipt of this hostile bid?



Change the Articles of Association to increase the percentage of shareholder votes required to approve a takeover.


Refer the bid to the country's competition authorities.


Write to shareholders explaining fully why the company's share price is under valued.


Pay a one-off special dividend.

Buy Now
Questions 71

Company A is identical in all operating and risk characteristics to Company B, but their capital structures differ.

Company B is all-equity financed. Its cost of equity is 17%.

Company A has a gearing ratio (debt:equity) of 1:2. Its pre-tax cost of debt is 7%. 

Company A and Company B both pay corporate income tax at 30%.

What is the cost of equity for Company A?










Buy Now
Questions 72

Select the most appropriate divided for each of the following statements:


Buy Now
Questions 73

The directors of the following four entities have been discussing dividend policy:

Which of these four entities is most likely to have a residual dividend policy?










Buy Now
Questions 74

A company has accumulated a significant amount of excess cash which is not required for investment for the foreseeable future.

It is currently on deposit, earning negligible returns.


The Board of Directors is considering returning this excess cash to shareholders using a share repurchase programme.

The majority of shareholders are individuals with small shareholdings.


Which THREE of the following are advantages of the company undertaking a share repurchase programme? 



Individual shareholders can realise their investment if they wish.


The earnings per share should increase for the shareholders who do not sell their shares.


It reduces excess cash which might have been attractive to predators.


It reduces the amount of cash for potential future investment opportunities. 


Institutional investors generally prefer a constant predictable income in the form of dividends.

Buy Now
Questions 75

Company A operates in country A and uses currency AS. It is looking to acquire Company B which operates in country B and uses currency B$. The following information is relevant:

The assistant accountant at Company A has prepared the following valuation of company B's equity, however there are some errors in his calculations.

Value of Company B's equity = 14.16 + 16.03 + 17.67 = AS47.86 million

Company B has BS5 million of debt finance.

Which of the following THREE statements are true?



The conversion into AS is incorrect as the assistant accountant should have divided by the exchange rate and not multiplied.


Cash flow to all investors should be discounted at Company B's cost of equity of 10% rather than its WACC of 8%.


The valuation is understated because forecast cash flows beyond year 3 have been ignored.


The forecast exchange rates are incorrect as they show the BS strengthening and it should be weakening.


The calculations show Company B's entity value, not its equity value.

Buy Now
Questions 76

G purchased a put option that grants the right to cap the interest on a loan at 10.0%. Simultaneously, G sold a call option that grants the holder the benefits of any decrease if interest rates fall below 8.5%.

Which THREE possible explanations would be consistent with G's behavior?



G is willing to risk the loss of savings from a fall in interest rates if that offsets the cost of limiting the cost of rises.


G's strategy is to ensure that its interest rates lie between 8.5% and 10.0%.


G is concerned that interest rates may rise above 10.0%.


G is concerned that interest rates may rise above 8.5%.


G is concerned that interest rates may fall below 10%.

Buy Now
Questions 77

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) was formed in August 2010 and brings together a cross-section of representatives from a wide variety of business sectors.


The primary purpose of the IIRC's framework is to help enable an organsation to communicate how it:



minimises the environmental impact of its business processes.


creates value in the short, medium and long term.


contributes positively to the economic well being of the environment in which it operates.  


ensures that the conflicting needs of different stakeholder groups are met in an optimal manner.

Buy Now
Questions 78

A company plans to raise $12 million to finance an expansion project using a rights issue.

Relevant data:

• Shares will be offered at a 20% discount to the present market price of $15.00 per share.

• There are currently 2 million shares in issue.

• The project is forecast to yield a positive NPV of $6 million.

What is the yield-adjusted Theoretical Ex-Rights Price following the announcement of the rights issue?










Buy Now
Questions 79

A company needs to raise $20 million to finance a project.

It has decided on a rights issue at a discount of 20% to its current market share price.

There are currently 20 million shares in issue with a nominal value of $1 and a market price of $5 per share.


Calculate the terms of the rights issue.



1 new share for every 4 existing shares


1 new share for every 20 existing shares


1 new share for every 5 existing shares


1 new share for every 25 existing shares

Buy Now
Questions 80

An unlisted software development business is to be sold by its founders to a private equity house following the initial development of the software. The business has not yet made a profit but significantprofits are expected for the next three years with only negligible profits thereafter. The business owns the freehold of the property from which it operates. However, it is the industry norm to lease property.

Which THREE of the following are limitations to the validity of using the Calculated Intangible Value (CIV) method for this business?



The business owns the freehold property from which it operates.


Significant profits are forecast for the next three years with only negligible profits thereafter.


The business has not yet made a profit.


The CIV method cannot be applied to an unlisted company.


The intellectual property representing the software development has not been included in the accounts.

Buy Now
Questions 81

Company A plans to acquire Company B, an unlisted company which has been in business for 3 years.

It has incurred losses in its first 3 years but is expected to become highly profitable in the near future.

No listed companies in the country operate the same business field as Company B, a unique new high-risk business process.

The future success of the process and hence the future growth rate in earnings and dividends is difficult to determine.

Company A is assessing the validity of using the dividend growth method to value Company B.

 Which THREE of the following are weaknesses of using the dividend growth model to value an unlisted company such as Company HHG?



The company has been unprofitable to date and hence, there is no established dividend payment pattern.


The future projected dividend stream is used as the basis for the valuation.


The future growth rate in earnings and dividends will be difficult to accurately determine. 


The dividend growth model does not take the time value of money into consideration.


The cost of capital will be difficult to estimate. 

Buy Now
Questions 82

Company A has made an offer to take over all the shares in Company B on the following terms:

   • For every 20 shares currently held, Company B's shareholders will receive $100 bond with a coupon rate of 3%

   • The bond will be repaid in 10 years' time at its par value of $100.

   • The current yield on 10 year bonds of similar risk is 6%.

What is the effective offer price per share being made to Company B's shareholders?










Buy Now
Questions 83

On 1 January 20X1 a company entered into a S200 million interest rate swap with a bank at a fixed rate of 4% against the 6-month risk-free rate to hedge the interest rale risk on a floating rate borrowing.

6-month risk-free rate was as follows:

What is the net settlement due under the swap contract on 1 July 20X1?



S1 000 000 net payment by the company.


$1.500.000 net receipt to the company.


S1 500.000 net payment by the company.


$1 000 000 net receipt to the company.

Buy Now
Questions 84

A company is considering the issue of a convertible bond compared to a straight bond issue (non-convertible bond).

Director A is concerned that issuing a convertible bond will upset the shareholders for the following reasons:

   • it will dilute their control

   • the interest payments will be higher therefore reducing liquidity

   • it will increase the gearing ratio therefore increasing financial risk

Director B disagrees, and is preparing a board paper to promote the issue of the convertible bond rather than a non-convertible.


Advise the Director B which THREE of the following statements should be included in his board paper to promote the issue of the convertible bond?



The convertible bond may not dilute control as the bond holder has an option to choose conversion.


The coupon rate on the convertible bond will be lower than that on a non-convertible bond.


When converted into shares, the company will receive a cash inflow which can be used for future investments.


Issuing a convertible bond will have a more favourable impact on the gearing ratio than a non-convertible bond.


Over the life of the bond, a convertible will be more expensive than a non-convertible.

Buy Now
Questions 85

A company has:

   • $6 million market value of equity

   • $4 million market value of debt 

   • WACC of 11.04%

   • Corporate income tax rate of 20%

According to Modigliani and Miller's theory of capital structure with tax, what is the ungeared cost of equity?










Buy Now
Questions 86

A company has 6 million shares in issue. Each share has a market value of $4.00.

$9 million is to be raised using a rights issue.

Two directors disagree on the discount to be offered when the new shares are issued.

   • Director A proposes a discount of 25% 

   • Director B proposes a discount of 30%


Which THREE of the following statements are most likely to be correct?



The theoretical ex-rights price will be higher under Director B's proposal than under Director A's proposal.


More shares will be issued under Director B's proposal than under Director A's proposal.


The rights issue price will be $3.00 under Director A's proposal.


The terms of the rights issue will be one new share for every two existing shares under Director A's proposal.


Shareholder wealth will be higher under Director A's proposal than under Director B's proposal.

Buy Now
Questions 87

Company Y plans to diversify into an activity where Company X has an equity beta of 1.6, a debt beta of zero and gearing of 50% (debt/debt plus equity).

The risk-free rate of return is 5% and the market portfolio is expected to return 10%.

The rate of corporate income tax is 30%.


What would be the risk-adjusted cost of equity if Company Y has 60% equity and 40% debt?










Buy Now
Questions 88

A company currently has a 5.25% fixed rate loan but it wishes to change the interest style of the loan to variable by using an interest rate swap directly with the bank.

The bank has quoted the following swap rate:

* 4.50% - 455% in exchange for Libor

Libor is currently 4%.

If the company enters into the swap and Libor remains at 4%. what will the company's interest cost be?










Buy Now
Questions 89

Delta and Kappa both wish to borrow $50m.

Delta can borrow at a fixed rate of 12% or at a floating rate of the risk-free rate +3%

Kappa can borrow at 15% fixed or the risk-free rate +4%.

Delta wishes a variable rate loan and Kappa a fixed rate loan The bank for the two companies suggests a swap arrangement The two companies agree to a swap arrangement, sharing savings equally

What is the effective swap rate for each company?



Delta pays 11%, Kappa pays the risk-free rate +3%


Delta pays the risk-free rate +3%, Kappa pays 15%


Delta pays 12%, Kappa pays the risk-free rate +4%


Delta pays the risk-free rate +2%, Kappa pays 14%

Buy Now
Questions 90

A listed company is planning a share repurchase. 


The following data applies:

   • There are 10 million shares in issue

   • The  share repurchase will involve buying back 20% of the shares at a price of $0.75

   • The company is holding $2 million cash

   • Earnings for the current year ended are $2 million


The Directors are concerned about the impact that this repurchase programme will have on the company's cash balance and current year earnings per share (EPS) ratio.


Advise the directors which of the following statements is correct?



The cash balance will decrease by 75% and EPS will decrease by 25%.


The cash balance will decrease by 75% and EPS will increase by 25%.


The cash balance will decrease by 20% and the EPS will decrease by 25%.


The cash balance will decrease by 20% and the EPS will increase by 25%.

Buy Now
Questions 91

A company is planning to issue a 5 year $100 million bond at a fixed rate of 6%.


It is also considering whether or not to enter into a 10 year $100 million swap to receive 5% fixed and pay Libor + 1% once a year.


The company predicts that Libor will be 4% over the life of the 5 years.


What is the impact of the swap on the company's annual interest cost assuming that the Libor prediction is correct?  



Increase by 1%.


Fall by 1%. 


Remain the same.


Fall by 2%.

Buy Now
Questions 92

A company's current earnings before interest and taxation are $5 million.

These are expected to remain constant for the forseeable future.

The company has 10 million shares in issue which currently trade at $3.60.

It also has a $10 million long term floating rate loan.

The current interest rate on this loan is 5%.

The company pays tax at 20%.

The company expects interest rates to increase next year to 6% and it's Price/Earnings (P/E) ratio to move to 9.5 times by the end of next year.


What percentage reduction in the share price will occur by the end of next year if the interest rate increase and the P/E movement both occur?



Reduction of 7%


Reduction of 5%


Reduction of 1%


Reduction of 0%

Buy Now
Questions 93

A company based in Country D, whose currency is the D$, has an objective of maintaining an operating profit margin of at least 10% each year. 


Relevant data:

   • The company makes sales to Country E whose currency is the E$. It also makes sales to Country F whose currency is the F$. 

   • All purchases are from Country G whose currency is the G$.

   • The settlement of all transactions is in the currency of the customer or supplier.


Which of the following changes would be most likely to help the company achieve its objective?



The D$ strengthens against the E$ over time. 


The F$ weakens against the D$ over time.


The D$ strengthens against the G$ over time.


The D$ weakens against the G$ over time.

Buy Now
Questions 94

Which of the following statements is true of a spin-off (or demerger)?



Raises finance to fund new projects.


Changes the ownership structure of the core entity by introducing new shareholders. 


Allows investors to identify the true value of the demerged business.


Increases the risk of a takeover bid for the core entity.

Buy Now
Questions 95

Company A plans to acquire Company B.

Both firms operate as wholesalers in the fashion industry, supplying a wide range of ladies' clothing shops.

Company A sources mainly from the UK, Company B imports most of its supplies from low-income overseas countries.

Significant synergies are expected in management costs and warehousing, and in economies of bulk purchasing.


Which of the following is likely to be the single most important issue facing Company A in post-merger integration?



Identifying and removing surplus staff.


Understanding the management information system of the acquired firm.


Discussions with representatives from key customer accounts.


Discussions with anti-poverty campaigning groups.

Buy Now
Questions 96

An all-equity financed company currently generates total revenue of $50 million.

Its current profit before interest and taxation (PBIT) is $10 million. 

Due to difficult trading conditions, the company expects its total revenue to be constant next year, although some margins will reduce.

It forecasts next year's PBIT will fall to 18% on 40% of its revenue, but that the PBIT on the other 60% of its revenue will be unaffected.

The rate of corporate tax is 20%.


What is the forecast percentage reduction in next year's Earnings?



Reduction of 0.8%


Reduction of 2.0%


Reduction of 4.0%


Reduction of 0%

Buy Now
Questions 97

Company AD is planning to acquire Company DC. It is evaluating two methods of structuring the terms of the bid, which will be ether a debt-funded cash offer or a share exchange

The following Information is relevant

• The two companies are of similar size and in related industries

• AB's gearing ratio measured as debt to debt plus equity, is currently 30% based on market values. This Is the company's optimum capital structure set to reflect the risk appetite of shareholders.

• The combined company is expected to generate savings and synergies

Which THREE of the following are advantages to AB's shareholders of a debt-funded cash offer compared with a share exchange?



Shareholder control will remain with AB’s current shareholders


More of the synergistic benefits of the acquisition will accrue to AB's current shareholders.


Gearing will increase.


EPS Mil Increase


WACC will increase f credit worthless falls too low, further increasing the returns to shareholders.

Buy Now
Questions 98

A company which is forecast to experience a strong growth in its profitability is evaluating a potential bond issue.

Which of the following changes in corporate income tax and in bond yields would make the bond issue more attractive to the company?



A decrease in corporate tax and an increase in bond yields.


An increase in corporate tax and a decrease in bond yields.


An increase in corporate tax and an increase in bond yields.


A decrease in corporate tax and a decrease in bond yields.

Buy Now
Questions 99

XCV can borrow at either 9.5% fixed or the risk-free rate plus 1.3%.

XCV wishes to borrow at a variable rate and thinks that a swap may enable it to do so cheaply

BNM can borrow the same principal sum as XCV It can borrow at 10 5% fixed or the risk-free rate plus 2 1 % BNM wishes to raise fixed rate debt

XCV and BNM have agreed to use an interest rate swap They will share any savings equally

Calculate the effective swap rate that will be paid by XCV.

Give your answer to one decimal place.


Buy Now
Questions 100

Company H is considering the valuation of an unlisted company which it hopes to acquire.

It has obtained the target company's financial statements.

Company H has been advised that the book value of net assets as shown in the financial statements of the target company does not provide a reliable indicator of their true value.


Advise the Board of Directors which of the following THREE statements are disadvantages of the net asset basis of valuation?



The net book value of assets is merely a record of past transactions which complies with accounting conventions.


The net book value of assets can be obtained from the financial statements. 


Intangible assets are often not shown in the company's financial statements.


The net realisable value is usually different from the net book value shown in the financial statements.  


The net book value of current assets is normally a reliable indicator of their realisable value.

Buy Now
Questions 101

An all equity financed company reported earnings for the year ending 31 December 20X1 of $8 million.

One of its financial objectives is to increase earnings by 5% each year.

In the year ending 31 December 20X2 it financed a project by issuing a bond with a $1 million nominal value and a coupon rate of 4%.

The company pays corporate income tax at 20%.


If the company is to achieve its earnings target for the year ending 31 December 20X2, what is the minimum operating profit (profit before interest and tax) that it must achieve?



$6.69 million


$10.50 million


$8.40 million


$10.54 million

Buy Now
Questions 102

A company has:

   • A price/earnings (P/E) ratio of 10.

   • Earnings of $10 million.

   • A market equity value of $100 million.

The directors forecast that the company's P/E ratio will fall to 8 and earnings fall to $9 million.


Which of the following calculations gives the best estimate of new company equity value in $ million following such a change?







Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D

Buy Now
Questions 103

A company has a financial objective of maintaining a gearing ratio of between 30% and 40%, where gearing is defined as debt/equity at market values. 

The company has been affected by a recent economic downturn leading to a shortage of liquidity and a fall in the share price during 20X1.


On 31 December 20X1 the company was funded by:

•    Share capital of 4 million $1 shares trading at $4.0 per share.

•    Debt of $7 million floating rate borrowings.


The directors plan to raise $2 million additional borrowings in order to improve liquidity.  

They expect this to reassure investors about the company's liquidity position and result in a rise in the share price to $4.2 per share.


Is the planned increase in borrowings expected to help the company meet its gearing objective?



No, gearing would increase but the gearing objective would be met both before and after the announcement.


No, gearing would increase and the gearing objective would be exceeded both before and after the announcement.


No, gearing would increase and the gearing objective would be met before the announcement but exceeded after the announcement.


Yes, gearing would fall and the gearing objective would be exceeded before the announcement but met after the announcement.

Buy Now
Questions 104

A company is deciding whether to offer a scrip dividend or a cash dividend to its shareholders. 

Although the company has excellent long-term growth prospects, it is experiencing short-term profit and cash flow problems.


Which of the following statements is most likely to be a reason for choosing the scrip dividend?



It is a way of raising additional finance to promote future growth.


It is a way of increasing earnings per share.


It is a way of encouraging shareholders to allow cash to be retained in the business.


It is a way of increasing dividend per share.

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Questions 105

A company has a covenant on its 5% long term corporate bond.

   • Covenant - The earnings must not fall below $7 million

The bond has a nominal value of $60 million.

It is currently trading at 80% of its nominal value.

The projected earnings before interest and taxation for next year are $11.5 million.

The company retains 80% of its earnings. It pays tax at 20%.


Advise the Board of Directors which of the following covenant conditions will apply next year?



The earnings will be = $7.28 million (The covenant will not be breached).


The earnings will be = $11.50 million (The covenant will not be breached).


The earnings will be = $6.80 million (The covenant will be breached).


The earnings will be = $5.44 million (The covenant will be breached).

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Questions 106

A profit-seeking company intends to acquire another company for a variety of reasons, primarily to enhance shareholder wealth.

Which THREE of the following offer the greatest potential for enhancing shareholder wealth?



Achieving more press coverage for the company.


Creating new opportunities for employees.


Achieving greater cultural diversity.


Acquiring Intellectual Property assets.


Exploiting production synergies.


Elimination of existing competition.

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Questions 107

An all equity financed company reported earnings for the year ending 31 December 20X1 of $5 million.

One of its financial objectives is to increase earnings by 5% each year.

In the year ending 31 December 20X2 it financed a project by issuing a bond with a $1 million nominal value and a coupon rate of 7%.

The company pays corporate income tax at 30%.


If the company is to achieve its earnings target for the year ending 31 December 20X2, what is the minimum operating profit (profit before interest and tax) that it must achieve?



$5.25 million


$7.50 million


$7.57 million


$8.40 million

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Questions 108

Company BBB has prepared a valuation of a competitor company, Company BBD. Company BBB is intending to acquire a controlling interest in the equity of Company BBD and therefore wants to value only the equity of Company BBD.

The directors of Company BBB have prepared the following valuation of Company BBD:

Value of Equity = 4.63 + 5.14 + 5.56 = S15.33 million

Additional information on Company BBD:

Which THREE of the following are weaknesses of the above valuation?



Free cash flows to all investors should be discounted at the cost of equity of 10% rather than WACC of 8%.


The valuation is understated as forecast future growth has been ignored beyond year 3.


The valuation is understated as the directors have failed to include a perpetuity factor in the calculations.


The approach used calculates the value of the total entity not the value of equity.


The valuation is overstated as the directors have failed to deduct tax from the free cash flows.

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Questions 109

SUP is a large supermarket chain. It produces many 'own brand' goods in Country S where the parent company is located. These goods are sold in SUP's supermarkets in Country S as well as being sold at a 'transfer price' to SUP companies located in foreign countries for sale in the SUP supermarkets located in that country.

Which of the following factors is the most important for SUP from a lax planning and compliance viewpoint when setting prices for the 'own brand' goods sold to other group companies'?



Complying with tax thin capitalisation regulations that apply in both tax jurisdictions.


The price should be higher than for other group companies if the group company that is purchasing the goods has a higher marginal tax rate than the SUP parent company.


The price should be much lower than average if the group company that is purchasing the goods has a higher marginal tax rate than the SUP parent company.


The price should be the same as the price that would be charged by SUP to other, independent, supermarkets that are located in the same foreign country as the group company that requires the goods.

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Questions 110

Select the category of risk for each of the descriptions below:


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Questions 111

The directors of a unlisted manufacturing company have prepared a valuation of their company using the price-earning method.

Their calculation is:

Value if the company‘s equity = $6 million x 10 =$60 million where.

  • $6 million is the company’s reported profit before interested and tax in the most recent accounting period and
  • 10 is the average price-earnings ratio for all listed companies

Which THREE of the following are weakness of this valuation?



The equity result needs to be uplifted in recognition that this is an unlisted company.


The price-earnings valuation method gives a value for the entire entity not Just a value of the equity.


A forecast of sustainable profit should have been used instead of a historical figure


Profit after tax should have been used in the calculation instead of profit before interest and tax.


The price-earnings ratio should have been an average for companies in the same industry sector rather than alI listed companies

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Questions 112

An unlisted software development company has recently reported disappointing results. This was partly due to weak economic conditions but also because of its poor competitive position. The company has a number of exciting development opportunities which would enable it to achieve significant future growth. The company's growth potential has been hindered by its inability to secure sufficient new finance.

To enable the company raise new finance the Directors are considering working forwards an IPO in 10 years and accepting finance from a venture capitalist in order support in the intervening period.

The directors are keen to retain a controlling stake in the company and full representation on the board. They therefore require venture capitalists to provide funds as a mix of debt and equity and not soley equity finance.

Which THREE of the following are most likely to disrupt the directors' plans to use venture capital finance?



Venture capitalists normally expect at least one seat on the board.


Venture capitalists only provide equity finance and will therefore not be interested in providing a combination of debt and equity finance.


The venture capital finance offered is much more expensive than expected.


Venture capitalists normally expect an exit strategy sconer than the planned IPO in 10 years'time.


Venture capitalists always require ownership of more than 50% of the shares in a company to ensure control.

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Questions 113

PYP is a listed courier company. It is looking to raise new finance to fit each of its delivery vans with new equipment to allow improved parcel tracking for customers The senior management team of PYP have decided on a 10-year secured bond to finance this investment-

Which TWO of the following variables are most likely to decrease the yield to maturity of the bond?



Changing the term of the bond from 1 0 years to 5 years to match the expected life of the new equipment


The announcement of a new contract for PYP that will increase operating profits by 5°/o over the next 5 years.


The senior management team decide to issue a convertible bond rather than a conventional bond


The senior management team decide to issue an unsecured bond rather than a secured bond

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Questions 114

A company's gearing (measured as debt/(debt + equity)) is currently 60% and it is investigating whether an optimal gearing structure exists within the industry.

It has analysed the capital structure of similar companies in the industry and it would appear that there is evidence supporting the traditional theory of capital structure.

Companies with the lowest WACC in the industry have gearing of around 45% to 50%.


Which of the following actions would result in the company achieving a more optimal capital structure?



Undertaking a rights issue of equity to repay some of its debt.


Refinancing to replace some of its short term debt with long term debt.


Increasing the level of dividend to return more cash to shareholders.


Using retained cash to undertake a buyback of some of its equity.

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Questions 115

Company YZZ has made a bid for the entire share capital of Company ZYY

Company YZZ is offering the shareholders in Company ZYY the option of either a share exchange or a cash alternative

Which THREE of the following would be considered disadvantages of accepting the cash consideration for the shareholders of Company ZYY?



Interest rates on deposit accounts are currently at an historic low and are expected to remain low


Taxation is payable on realised capital gains.


Company YZZ Is not expected to change *s dividend policy post-acquisition


Cash consideration is certain whereas Company YZZ's future share price performance is uncertain


There will be no opportunity to participate in the future economic success of Company YZZ

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Questions 116

A company is based in Country Y whose functional currency is YS. It has an investment in Country Z whose functional currency is ZS This year the company expects to generate ZS20 million profit after tax.

Tax Regime

• Corporate income tax rate in Country Y is 60%

• Corporate income tax rate in Country Z Is 30%

• Full double tax relief is available

Assume an exchange rate of YS1 = ZS5

What is the expected profit after tax in YS if the ZS profit is remitted to Country Y?



YS2 29 million


YS1 60 million


YS6.67 million


YS57.14 million

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Questions 117

A listed company is financed by debt and equity.

If it increases the proportion of debt in its capital structure it would be in danger of breaching a debt covenant imposed by one of its lenders.


The following data is relevant:



The company now requires $800 million additional funding for a major expansion programme. 


Which of the following is the most appropriate as a source of finance for this expansion programme?



Retained earnings


Private placement of a bond


Rights issue


Bank overdraft

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Questions 118

Company WWW is identical in all operating and risk characteristics to Company ZZZ. but their capital structures differ. Company WWW and Company ZZZ both pay corporate income tax at 20%

Company WWW has a gearing ratio (debt: equity) of 1:3 Its pre-tax cost of debt is 6%.

Company ZZZ Is all-equity financed. Its cost of equity is 15%

What is the cost of equity tor Company WWW?










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Questions 119

A wholly equity financed company has the following objectives:

1. Increase in profit before interest and tax by at least 10% per year.

2. Maintain a dividend payout ratio of 40% of earnings per year.


Relevant data:

   • There are 2 million shares in issue.

   • Profit before interest and tax in the last financial year was $4 million.

   • The corporate income tax rate is 20%.

At the beginning of the current financial year, the company raised long term debt of $2 million at 5% interest each year. 


Calculate the dividend per share that will be announced this year assuming the company achieves its objective of increasing profit before interest and tax by 10%.










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Questions 120

A company is funded by:

   • $40 million of debt (market value)

   • $60 million of equity (market value)

The company plans to:

   • Issue a bond and use the funds raised to buy back shares at their current market value.

   • Structure the deal so that the market value of debt becomes equal to the market value of equity.

According to Modigliani and Miller's theory with tax and assuming a corporate income tax rate of 20%, this plan would: 



increase the company's asset beta.


decrease the company's equity beta.


increase shareholder wealth.


increase the market value of the company's equity.

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Questions 121

The table below shows the forecast for a company's next financial year:



The forecast incorporates the following assumptions:

   • 25% of operating costs are variable

   • Debt finance comprises a $400 million fixed rate loan at 5%

   • Corporate income tax is paid at 25%


The company plans to do the following next year from the forecast earnings on the assumption that earnings will be equivalent to free cash flow: 

   • Pay a total dividend of $20 million

   • Invest $40 million in new projects


What is the maximum % reduction in operating activity that could occur next year before the company's dividend and investment plans are affected?


Give your answer to the nearest 0.1%.




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Questions 122

A listed company follows a policy of paying a constant dividend.  The following information is available:

   • Issued share capital (nominal value $0.50) $60 million

   • Current market capitalisation $480 million

The shareholders are requesting an increased dividend this year as earnings have been growing.  However, the directors wish to retain as much cash as possible to fund new investments. They therefore plan to announce a 1-for-10 scrip dividend to replace the usual cash dividend.


Assuming no other influence on share price, what is the expected share price following the scrip dividend?


Give your answer to 2 decimal places.


$ ?  


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Questions 123

Country X's short-term interest rates are slightly higher than its long-term rates. Which THREE of the following statements are correct?



This difference may reverse.


Country X's currency is expected to strengthen in the long-term.


Interest rates will definitely fall.


Interest rates are expected to fall.


A long-term borrower would save by taking out a short-term loan and then refinancing

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Questions 124

A company wishes to raise additional debt finance and is assessing the impact this will have on key ratios. 

The following data currently applies:

   • Profit before interest and tax for the current year is $500,000

   • Long term debt of $300,000 at a fixed interest rate of 5%

   • 250,000 shares in issue with a share price of $8

The company plans to borrow an additional $200,000 on the first day of the year to invest in new project which will improve annual profit before interest and tax by $24,000.

The additional debt would carry an interest rate of 3%.

Assume the number of shares in issue remain constant but the share price will increase to $8.50 after the investment.

The rate of corporate income tax is 30%.


After the investment, which of the following statements is correct?



Interest cover will fall; P/E ratio will fall.


Interest cover will fall; P/E ratio will rise.


Interest cover will rise; P/E ratio will rise.


Interest cover will rise; P/E ratio will fall.

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Questions 125

A listed entertainment and media company produces and distributes films globally. The company invests heavily in intellectual property in order to create the scope for future film projects. The company has five separate distribution companies, each managed as a separate business unit The company is seeking to sell one of its business units in a management buy-out (MBO) to enable it to raise finance for proposed new investments

The business unit managers have been in discussions with a bank and venture capitalists regarding the financing for the MBO The venture capitalists are only prepared to invest a mixture of debt and equity and have suggested the following:

The venture capitalists have stated that they expect a minimum return on their equity investment of 3Q°/o a year on a compound basis over the first 5 years of the MBO No dividends will be paid during this period.

Advise the MBO team of the total amount due to the venture capitalist over the 5-year period to satisfy their total minimum return?



$155.14 million


$111 39 million


$120 14 million


$146 39 million

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Questions 126

WX, an advertising agency, has just completed the all-cash acquisition of a competitor, YZ. This was seen by the market as a positive strategic move byWX.

Which THREE of the following will WX's shareholders expect the company's directors to prioritise following the acquisition?



The integration and retention of key employees of YZ.


The development of a dividend policy to meet the expectations of the YZ's shareholders.


The regulatory approval required to complete the acquisition.


The retention of YZ's key customers.


The realisation of anticipated post-acquisition synergies.

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Questions 127

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) was formed in August 2010 and brings together a cross-section of representatives from a wide variety of business sectors.

 The primary purpose of the IIRC's framework is to help enable an organsation to communicate how it:



minimises the environmental impact of its business processes.


creates value in the short, medium and long term.


contributes positively to the economic well being of the environment in which it operates.  


ensures that the conflicting needs of different stakeholder groups are met in an optimal manner.

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Questions 128

An unlisted company wishes to obtain an estimated value for its shares in anticipation of a private sale of a large parcel of shares.


Relevant data for the unlisted company:

   • It has a residual dividend policy. 

   • It has earnings that are highly sensitive to underlying economic conditions.

   • It is a small business in a large industry where there are listed companies but there are none with a similar capital structure. 


The company intends to base valuations on the cost of equity of a proxy company after adjusting for any differences in capital structure where appropriate.


Which of the following methods is likely to give the most accurate equity value for this unlisted company?



Dividend valuation model.


Discounted cash flow analysis at WACC based on free cash flow to equity. 


Net asset valuation.


P/E based valuation using the P/E of a similar listed company in the same industry.

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Questions 129

Company A is subject to a takeover bid from Company B, both companies operate in the same industry and each of them demand a significant market share Company B h3S made an of an of $5 per share to the shareholders of Company A.

The directors of Company A do not believe the takeover would be in the best interests of the stakeholders and other stakeholders of Company A due to the following reruns

1. Company B has recently taken ever several ether companies resulting in them breaking up the company and se ling on the assets.

2 The directors of Company A believe the offer of $5 per snare undervalues tie company

The directors of Company A are therefore keen to prevent the bid from going ahead

Which THREE of the following defence strategies could be used by the directors of Company Air this situation?



Offer the company to an alternative While Knight bidder.


Appeal to their own shareholders that the company should not be broken up because i: has strong growth prospects.


Refer the bid to the Competition Authorizes because of the risk of a large number of employee redundancies if Company B's Did were to be successful


Inform shareholders of the potential current value of the non-current assets including intangibles, to show that their true value is higher than the bid value.


Give existing shareholders the right to buy bonds in the future.

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Questions 130

A company gas a large cash balance but its directors have been unable to identify any positive NPV projects to invest in. Which THREE of the following are advantages of a share repurchase, compared with a one-off large dividend?



The shareholder can choose whether to take the cast or not.


It increases the number of shares issue.


It means that the company will be able to pay lower total dividends in the future.


It returns cash to shareholders so that they can choose hew to spend It


It will not create an expectation for future increased dividends.

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Exam Code: F3
Exam Name: Financial Strategy
Last Update: Mar 29, 2025
Questions: 435

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