Usability is a part of the user experience as defined in CPUX-R What does usability here consists of?
Fill in the blanks:
A usability_________ shows what representative users are able to accomplish with the interactive system when they carry out representative__________. Eliciting__________ opinions from users, or _________ them, is not part of a usability__________.
Which two of the following are considered stakeholders but NOT users of a car rental website?
VisitDenmark is planning an app that lets visitors search for attractions, events and restaurants in Denmark.
Which two of the following remarks from an interviewer during an interview about the new app adhere to the master-apprentice principle?
Which one of the following statements demonstrates the importance of user interface guidelines?
Which one of the following statements best characterises a usability inspection?
16. Which two of the following relate to the user experience of a train travel website but not to its usability: