To move an element, you must start by selecting a_________before you select a new location.
Which of the following are detail level settings that display fill patterns of compound walls?
When you create a floor on a level, the bottom of the floor is placed on that level, with the thickness projecting upward.
When a family with labeled dimensions as instance parameters is placed in a project, what controls display to help you work with it?
_________families create the building components that would usually be purchased, delivered, and installed in
and around a building, such as doors, windows and furniture.
You could controls the specific geometric planes that define the boundaries of Plan views using ___________parameter.
When editing a schedule, which tab lets you select data that will appear in your schedule?
The_________is a set of horizontal planes that control object Visibility and display in plan views.
Which value of the Structural Usage parameter will turn a structural wall into an architectural wall?