Consider the MySQL Enterprise Audit plugin.
On attempting to start the MySQL service after a crash, notice the following error:
[ERROR] Plugin ‘audit_log’ init function returned error.
In the audit log file, you notice the final entry:
TIMESTAMP=”2013-07-09T02:12:35” NAME=”Connect” CONNECTION_ID=”98” STATUS=”0” USER=”Kate” PRIV_USER=”kate” OS_LOGIN=”” HOST=”localhost” DB=””/> What action should you take to fix the error and allow the service to start?
Consider the Mysql Enterprise Audit plugin.
Which statement is true when you identify a connection event that has used external authentication?
An existing master-slave setup is currently using a delayed replication of one hour. The master has crashed and the slave must be ”rolled forward” to provide all the latest data.
The SHOW SLAVE STATUS indicates the following values:
RELAY_LOG_FILE = hostname-relay-bin.00004
Which command set would make the slave current?
You are attempting to secure a MySQL server by using SSL encryption.
On starting MySQL, you get this error:
130123 10:38:02 [ERROR] mysqld: unknown option ‘—ssl’
What is the cause of the error?
You install a copy of Mysql 5.6.13 on a brand new Linux server by using RPM packages. The server starts successfully as verified by the following commands:
$ pidof mysqld
$tail - n2 /var/lib.mysql/hostname.err
2013-08-18 08:18:38 3132 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: ‘5.6.13-enterprise-commercial-advaced’ socket: ‘/tmp/mysql.sock’ port;
3306 Mysql Enterprise Server – Advanced Edition (Commercial)
You attempt to log in as the root user with the following command:
$mysql –u root
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: NO)
Which statement is true about this scenario?
A user has deleted the wrong row in a table and you are preparing a point-in-time recovery skipping the DELETE event.
The server is configured with:
You have identified that the DELETE statement to skip has the Global Transaction Identifier (GTID) ‘dbbe7da-fe25-11e2-b6c7-0800274aa49e:5 and you replay the binary log with:
Mysqlbinlog – exclude-gtides=’ dbbe07da-fe25-11e2-b6c7-0800274aa49e:5’ binlog.00000.2 | mysql
However all events were skipped instead of just the one deleting the wrong row.
What is the reason for this?
When backing up a replication slave, which three should also be backed up in addition to data?
You are using the performance Schema to investigate replication on a slave:
FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name
INNER JOIN performance_schema_threads USING (THREAD_ID)
WHERE threads .NAME LIKE ‘thread/sql/slave\-%’
Assume that all instruments and consumers are enabled and all threads are instrumented.
Which two facts can be concluded from the given output?
You use—login-path to access a MySQL server on a Linux installation.
Which statement is true about the – login-path option that is created by using mysql_config_editor?