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Oracle 1z0-1104-23 Exam Dumps Questions and Answers

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Oracle Exam 1z0-1104-23 is Challenging Yet Not Impossible!

Passing a certification like Oracle Exam 1z0-1104-23 is really challenging. And this is the reason that most of the IT professionals think of getting this industry demanding certification, impossible! As a matter of fact, it is not! The evidence comes from a host of our clients that passed this exam in their first attempt!

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2023 Security Professional exam requires you to make sure a clear, profound and accurate understanding of the subjects covered in the exam syllabus. The most important thing to pass this exam is to access a study material that provides you exam-oriented, simplified and authentic information that is primary requirement of Oracle Exam 1z0-1104-23.

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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2023 Security Professional Questions and Answers

Questions 1

Challenge 1 - Task 5 of 5

Authorize OCI Resources to Retrieve the Secret from the Vault


You are working on a Python program running on a compute instance that needs to access an external service. To access the external service, the program needs credentials (password). Given that it is not a best security practice, you decide not to hard code the credential in the program. Instead, you store the password (secret) in a vault using the OCI Vault service. The requirement now is to authorize the compute instance so that the Python program can retrieve the password (secret) by making an API call to the OCI Vault.


To complete this requirement, you are provided with:

  • An OCI Vault to store the secret required by the program, which is created in the root compartment as PBT_Vault_SP.
  • An instance principal IAM service, which enables instances to be authorized actors (principals) that can retrieve the secret from the OCI Vault.
  • A dynamic group named PBT_Dynamic_Group_SP with permissions to access the OCI Vault. This dynamic group includes all of the instances in your compartment.
  • Access to Cloud Shell.
  • Permissions to perform only the tasks within the challenge.

Note: You are provided with access to an OCI Tenancy, an assigned compartment, and OCI credentials. Throughout your exam, ensure to use the assigned Compartment 99234021-C01 and Region us-ashburn-1.


Questions 2

Challenge 4 - Task 3 of 6

Configure Web Application Firewall to Protect Web Server Against XSS Attack


You have to protect web applications hosted on OCI from cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. You can use the OCI Web Application Firewall (WAF) capabilities to create rules that compare against incoming requests to determine if the request contains an XSS attack payload. If a request is determined to be an attack, WAF should return the HTTP Service Unavailable (503) error.

To ensure that the configured WAF blocks the XSS attack, run the following script:  /index.html?



To complete this deployment, you have to perform the following tasks in the environment provisioned for you:

  • Configure a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN)
  • Create a Compute Instance and install the Web Server
  • Create a Load Balancer and update Security List
  • Create a WAF policy
  • Configure Protection Rules against XSS attacks
  • Verify the created environment against XSS attacks

Note: You are provided with access to an OCI Tenancy, an assigned compartment, and OCI credentials. Throughout your exam, ensure to use the assigned Compartment 99233424-C01 and Region us-ashburn-1.

Complete the following task in the provisioned OCI environment:

  • Go to the VCN IAD-WAF-PBT-VCN-01.
  • Create a Security List with the name IAD-SP-PBT-LB-SL-01.
  • Create a Public subnet named LB-Subnet-IAD-SP-PBT-SNET-02 and attach the above-created security list.
  • Create a Load Balancer with the name IAD-SP-PBT-LB-01.
  • Create a Listener Name with the name IAD_SP_PBT_LB_LISN_01.
  • Add appropriate Ingress and Egress rules to IAD-SP-PBT-LB-SL-01, to allow http traffic to the Load Balancer subnet.


Questions 3

Challenge 3 - Task 4 of 4

Set Up a Bastion Host to Access the Compute Instance in a Private Subnet Scenario

A compute instance is provisioned in a private subnet that is not accessible through the Internet. To access the compute instance resource in a private subnet, you must provide a time-bound SSH session without deploying and maintaining a public subnet and a jump server, which eliminates the hassle and potential attack surface from remote access.

To complete this deployment, you have to perform the following tasks in the environment provisioned for you:

• Configure a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) and a Private Subnet.

• Provision a Compute Instance in the private subnet and enable Bastion Plugin.

• Create a Bastion and Bastion session.

• Connect to a compute instance using Managed SSH session.

Note: You are provided with access to an OCI Tenancy, an assigned compartment, and OCI credentials. Throughout your exam, ensure to use the assigned Compartment 99233424-C01 and Region us-ashburn-1

Complete the following tasks in the provisioned OCI environment:


Connect to a compute instance using a Managed SSH Bastion session from your local machine terminal or Cloud shell.
